It’s Better to be Safe than Sorry

Code of Good Practice

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I, …………………………………………………………. ID Number ………………………..………………
the undersigned, as a registered Gas Practitioner, shall:

1. Undertake only those assignments which fall within my authorized level of registration
and scope of work for which I am competent by virtue of training, experience and
certification. Where needed, to advise on the use of competent persons required
to undertake the completion of the work to be done.

2. Prior to undertaking any maintenance, repairs, alterations and/or additions to existing
equipment and/or pipelines installed on customer premises, I must first establish the
ownership of the equipment and/or pipelines. This is necessary to ensure that the owner
of the equipment and/or pipelines carries out the necessary work or employs a third party
registered gas practitioner to carry out the work on their behalf.

3. Indicate to my employer, supervisor or mentor any adverse consequence that may
result from an alteration to the designed installation by a non-technical authority or client.

4. Be objective, thorough and factual in any written report, statement or testimony of
the work performed and include all relevant or pertinent information in such documents.

5. Sign only for work I have personally carried out or work supervised for which I have
Personal knowledge through direct technical control or supervision.

6. Have proper regard for the safety, health and environment concerning the user,
the public and the fellow employees.

7. Protect to the fullest extent possible, constant with the well being of the gas
industry and public, any information given in confidence to me by my employer,
supervisor, colleague, client or this gas association.

8. Strive to maintain proficiency by updating my personal technical knowledge
and skills as required to efficiently and effectively apply the desired application
skills within the respective gas industry.

9. Maintain the highest degree of personal integrity, credibility and business
ethics at all times.

10. Report any unsafe practices, sub-standard work, persons working
out of scope and non- registered persons to the SAQCC Gas.

11. Inform the SAQCC Gas immediately of any change in personal or
business contact information.

12. Take cognisance of the SAQCC Gas Disciplinary Code of Conduct
and Disciplinary Procedure.

13. Be in compliance with the SAQCC Gas Anti-Trust Policy and Meeting Rules

14. Be in compliance to the Occupation Health & Safety Act (No 85 of 1993),
regulations and all required health and safety standards and SABS Codes of Practice.

……………………………………………………. DATE………………………………………..


SAQCC Reg No: ………………….