It’s Better to be Safe than Sorry


SAQCC – GAS Pressure Equipment Regulations (PER)

‘Pressure Equipment Regulations’ No. 734

Summary: The Minister of Labour published on 15th July 2009, an amendment to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1993 in respect of the ‘Pressure Equipment Regulations’ No. 734.

These regulations set out the requirements regarding the design, manufacture, operation, repair, modification, inspection and testing of pressure equipment with a design pressure equal to or greater than 50kPa, in terms of the relevant health and safety standard incorporated into the Regulations under section 44 of the Act.

In terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993, the Pressure Equipment Regulations require anyone working on a Gas system to undergo specific training and are registered with the South African Qualification and Certification Committee – Gas (SAQCC Gas) on behalf of the Department of Labour.

Regulation 1: Definitions

“Authorised Person” means… a person who is registered as competent within the scope of work for which an organisation [SAQCC Gas] approved by the chief inspector has registered that person.

Regulation 17: Gas reticulation equipment and systems

1.” No person shall

(a) handle, store or distribute any gas in any manner which includes the filling of a container, other than in accordance with the relevant health and safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act;

(b) install or remove an appliance, pressure equipment or system for gas in any manner other than in accordance with the relevant safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act;

c) install or remove a gas appliance, or a gas system or a gas reticulation system, unless such person is an authorised person; or

(d) use pressure equipment or systems for gas in an manner other than in accordance with the relevant safety standard incorporated into these regulations under section 44 of the Act

2. After installation or re-installation, and before commissioning a gas system, the user shall ensure that an external inspection and a leak test are performed by an authorised person or an approved inspection authority as applicable in terms of sub-regulation (1 )(c).

3. An authorised person or an approved inspection authority shall issue a certificate of conformity after completion of a gas installation, modification ,alteration or change of user or ownership in the form of Annexure 1.”

The Vessels under Pressure Regulation, 1996, published under Government Notice No. R. 1591, dated 4 October 1996, has been repealed by the PER.

The Pressure Equipment Regulations (PER) incorporate the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) Standards and Codes of Practice relating to all Gases.

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